Most people probably have no interest or need for handcuffs, but local, state and federal law enforcement officers (LEO) depend their lives on the ability to restrain a suspect. There are many forms of restraints, from zip-ties to metal handcuffs, but today we’re going to focus on handcuffs that are authorized and promoted by law enforcement to safely and securely restrain a suspect. There are a few companies that provide excellent products that make restraining suspects easier and safer for both the officer and suspect.
Who is the NTOA?
The National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) is an organization that was created in Colorado Springs, CO, to enhance the training and performance of LEOs across the country. The NTOA accomplishes this goal by providing state-of-the-art training and education on everything from best practices to the best tools of the trade. One of the best features of the NTOA is the open forum for all LEOs to access and share ideas and tactics that help them with their incredibly tough and thankless job.
I bring them up because NTOA trains with gear from all over the world that is meant to help with law enforcement. Handcuffs are just one of many instrumental tools to the success and safety of an LEO and require field training to know what’s best. The top company we’re promoting in this blog is Armament Systems & Procedures or ASP because their handcuffs are certified by the NTOA and highly recommend for all LEOs.
1. ASP Ultra Plus Hinge Cuffs
As a former police officer, I have had many different cuffs and restraints, but I’ve always preferred hinge-style cuffs. Hinge cuffs limit the orientation of the cuffs to apply easier to a suspect. Chain cuffs tend to flip and roll around, so you need to focus more on grabbing both cuffs to keep them still. For someone with smaller hands, like myself, a hinged cuff is night and day easier to use.

ASP understands that the most important thing in a police arrest is the officer’s safety and suspect. I can tell you from experience that in the heat of the moment, I had a suspect punch me in the face, and with blood dripping from my nose, I handcuffed him and forgot to press in the double lock. Regardless of how we feel about a suspect, you have to double lock, and that requires using the back of the key to press in the lock, so the cuffs don’t get too tight or too loose. ASP has created a new set of handcuffs that don’t require you to use a key to double-lock. I really wish I had this type of technology when I was in because you can instantly double-lock your cuffs with very little pressure on the new bar that is brightly colored yellow for easy recognition.
The cuffs are built from high-quality forged aluminum classified as ordinance-grade (meaning they can’t be broken without special tools). Most other companies used stamped aluminum to save weight and money on the metallurgy process, but ASP is about as serious as it gets for LEO gear and tools. For me, cuffs will fit around my wrists with no issues, but what about those with large hands, wrists, and forearms? These cuffs provide a wider frame for even the biggest men and women to fit comfortably without going to zip-ties. The keyway of the Ultra Plus cuffs might be overlooked. Still, it’s as practical and ergonomic as possible, with keyholes on both sides of the cuffs for dealing with awkward positions or uncooperative suspects. The fact that the cuffs can be released with a single turn of the key and the double lock can be disengaged separately makes this new handcuff the best I’ve seen to date.
2. ASP Rigid Ultra Cuffs
The Rigid Ultra Cuff is a type of handcuff relatively new and based on the hinge-style cuff. The Rigid cuff provides a greater service area to grab and control for the officer. The ability to easily gain control of the cuff makes one of the most dangerous parts of an arrest safer for everyone involved. Since the cuff has no give in it, as the traditional chain link cuff has, it further restricts the suspect’s movement, preventing him/her from injuring the officer or themselves. You can always tell when a product has direct input from LEOs because they seem more practical. It’s not a surprise the NTOA gave the Rigid Ultra Cuffs their highest recommendation with the Gold Award for best handcuffs.
As you can see in the picture below, there is no room for any movement inside the Rigid Ultra Cuffs. These cuffs are made from forged 7070 T6 ordnance-grade aluminum for added durability, strength, which helps prevent tampering. The frame of the cuff is the same used in the Ultra Plus handcuffs to make it easier for as many different people as possible. The bow of the cuffs is placed further apart to accommodate a more natural position for the suspect to prevent any injury. The Rigid cuffs are also compatible with the Transport Kit to further restrain a suspect for transport, especially if you have a violent suspect. The overall length is 9.1" and has an overall width of only 3.1" to provide a more natural feel for the suspect and a more controlled feel for the officer.
3. S&W 300 Hinged Handcuffs
Smith and Wesson are among the most well-known and successful weapon manufacturers globally, but they also make incredibly tough and practical hinge cuffs, batons, knives, and other tactical gear. I will not claim these handcuffs are better than the ASP brand because I don’t believe they are even close. However, every officer needs an extra pair of handcuffs that will last forever and never fail.
S&W 300 series hinged cuffs are made from carbon steel to reduce the weight and are finished with heavy nickel to make them more durable than your average cuffs. They’re built with a double-lock that is activated by the back of your handcuff key (slot lock), just like any other handcuffs most of us have used over the years. They’re not as fancy or built with the bells and whistles of an ASP product, but the S&W handcuffs are a fraction of the price and will last you decades.
Safariland Bianchi 90H-4 Hand Cuff Case
When it comes to handcuff cases or pouches, I prefer to use ones that are as universal as possible, such as the Safariland Bianchi 90H-4 case. If you’re buying cuffs, chances are you need a case, especially if this is your first pair of hinged cuffs. They’re normally bigger than standard chain link cuffs and require a bigger case to hold them. The best thing about this Safariland case is that it holds the ASP-hinged cuff and the other 2 handcuffs on this list. For $30.87, this is a great deal and is aesthetically much better than other models on the market.
We all know there are many other tools and products, such as pistols, tasers, scopes, and gear, that are sexier than handcuffs. However, every officer in the country has to carry some form of restraint. With thousands of officers looking for ways to get an edge on duty, handcuffs can be that difference-maker. As far ASP products go, very few companies worldwide are solely dedicated to the men and women in blue, especially during these trying times. I can’t tell you that some state-of-the-art handcuffs will make you look better, but I can assure you that they will make your job easier and safer. Good luck and stay safe to all our first responders!
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